Les matrices pour fusil Dillon en acier sont dotées d'un ensemble de décapage flottant, d'une matrice de siège à démontage rapide et d'une matrice de sertissage facile à nettoyer pour un rechargement efficace et précis. Compatible avec les calibres .223 et .308.
Sizing/Depriming Die
Our sizing/depriming dies feature a unique "floating decap assembly" with a snap spring that throws the spent primer off the pin and eliminates the problem of primer "draw back" that often occurs when decapping military brass. That radiused opening, and its importance to progressive reloading, is one of the reasons why our seat and crimp dies are better. We found a way of manufacturing these dies that has enabled us to make the lead-in radius even bigger! The bigger radius makes progressive loading with our equipment even smoother but that's still only a part of the story.
Bullet Seating Die
Our new quick-disassembly seat die allows the user to disassemble and clean the seat die without losing adjustment. In this manner, bullet lube and shavings can be quickly removed from the die, thereby guaranteeing a constant seating depth. We've incorporated a "flip-flop" seating stem and a clip that enables you to remove the die insert and change the seating stem from round nose to semi-wadcutter without unscrewing a seating stem out of the die body. We've always included both types of seating stems, but the new double-ended design makes it a simple matter to remove a pin, reverse the seating stem, make any minor seating depth adjustments that may be necessary and go on loading in a fraction of the time it used to take.
Crimp Die
We've made it easy for you to remove the die insert for cleaning without having to change the critical crimp adjustment. Once your crimp die is set for the proper amount of crimp, you'll never have to change it. This is especially good news for all of you who load lead bullets! Before, you had to unscrew the die from the toolhead and disassemble the die in order to remove any bullet lube or lead residue. Then, you had to start from square one to re-adjust the crimp. Those days are over. All you have to do now is pop a clip and the die insert drops into your hand for cleaning.
NOTE: All Dillon Pistol Die sets include our sizer/ decap die, seat die and a separate crimp die. (Taper crimp for autos; accu-crimp for revolvers.)
Dillon Precision Code: 10839
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