Épée de franc maçon USA - XIXe siècle
Lame :71.5cm
Total :88.5cm
Fourreau :75.5cm
Ordre des chevaliers du Temple (maçonnique)
Ayant appartenue à Samuel W. TAYLOR. Lame et fourreau
magnifiquement décorés, avec décors de Jerusalem,
croisades, chevaliers, croix de Malte, couronnes. Marquage du fabriquant "The Pettibone Brothers of Cincinnati, Ohio"
(très réputés à la fin du XIXe)
Credo de l'ordre inscrit : "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES" cad
"Dans ce signe tu vaincras"
Avec sa sacoche d'origine !! en cuir original (quelques
usures vu l'age, surtout Ie bout décousu sur 5cm
Facilement restorable) on trouve les sacoches américaines fin 19e extrêmement difficilement !!
An ornate ceremonial sword belonging to Samuel
W. Taylor of the Masonic Knights Templar, 28 in.
blade and 35 in. overall. This is late 19th century, with a knight's head-shaped pommel, white ivory grip engraved with Taylor's initials or one side and a templar cross on the other, and a chain link handguard. The highly oxidized silver crossguard still manages to be rather eye-catching
with its elaborate design, showing a filigree design
two Templar crosses on either end, and the depiction of the order's insignia; a red cross within a crown inside a Maltese cross, their motto surrounding the image 'IN HOC SIGNO VINCES 'IN THIS SIGN YOU SHALL CONQUER'). The blade is acid etched with attractive Templar motifs
filigree designs, and Taylor's full name in gothic
script, a somewhat faded gold background under
the etching. At the ricasso is the maker mark for
The Pettibone Brothers of Cincinnati, Ohio. Housed
within a brown leather scabbard, with two suspension rings, a leather handle attached to the rings, and two chain hangers suspended from either ring. At the top flap of the scabbard is a silver nameplate with the text 'S.W. Taylor Pontiac Mich.' Notable cracking to the leather, with heavy oxidation to the crossguard and pommel of the
plade, still a beautifully crafted sword. Samuel W,
Taylor is an ancestor of June Gara, the wife of Lt.
Col. WILLIAM B. GARA (1917-2001) commander of the crucial 1st Engineer Combat Battalion and among the first to land on 0maha Beach, and this sword has been handed down through the family
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